Best Cleaning Service in Toronto.

Call Us: +1-877-273-8680

Write to Us:

  • Ontario, Canada

    121 Wellington St W Suite 217 Barrie

  • Mon - Fri: 9am to 5pm

    Sat & Sun: by appointment only

Industrial and Warehouse Cleaning

Super Clean Services’s team of experienced sanitation specialists are specifically trained in the safe and effective cleaning of industrial settings. Never a corner cut, our people—comfortable at any height and with any surface—will see to the full-scale sanitation of your space, no matter its square-footage.

The handling and disposal of flammable or potentially hazardous materials is best managed by the experts at Super Clean Services. While some warehouses get by with a thorough bi-weekly scrub, others require systematic decontamination and disinfection. And, potentially, conformation to private in-house polices and standards. In all cases, we are willing to do whatever it takes to provide the greatest level of service and value to all who invest in the Super Clean Services strategy.

Industrial Cleaning That Keeps Employees and the Work Environment Safe

Whatever your needs, SCS customizes warehouse and facility cleaning services according to controlled and documented criteria, providing regular and detailed reports. Ensure the safety and productivity of your employees and visitors with qualified industrial cleaning services that include:
  • Pressure washing
  • Shelf and bin cleaning
  • Exterior cleaning, all materials
  • Cleaning of exits, entrance and lobby; all walls and ceilings
  • Floor scrubbing; carpet vacuum and shampoo
  • Lighting fixture maintenance
  • Washroom sanitization
  • Equipment sanitization
  • Work surface disinfection
  • Ventilation systems cleaning
  • Safe and efficient waste disposal


Avoid Penalties for Non-Compliance with Reliable Industrial Cleaning! A responsible industrial cleaning company puts safety first. Super Clean Services provides advanced cleaning solutions and equipment, along with detailed assessments for cleaning regimens adjusted to the requirements of our clients. Fully bonded and insured, our cleaning technicians are trained to handle the many variables involved in maintaining an industrial and warehouse location.

Call +1-877-273-8680 for a free consultation and assessment